DeepPFP-CO Webserver
Knowledge of protein functions plays an important role in biology and medicine. With the rapid development of highthroughput technologies, a huge number of proteins have been discovered. However, there are a great number of proteins without functional annotations. To reduce this huge gap, We propose a new deep learning model, named DeepPFP-CO, which uses Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to explore and capture the co-occurrence of GO terms to improve the prediction performance. Experimental results show that DeepPFP-CO has good performance on protein function prediction.
Server accepts up to 50 protein sequences at a time. The user should submit the protein sequence(s) in FASTA format.
The format of the input file is as follows (Here is an example of input file.)
Each protein requires two lines and multiple proteins should be placed in consecutive lines.
The current version release is 2. The model in the current release was trained using the Gene Ontology and the SwissProt data both released on 2021-01.
The current version release is 1. The model in the current release was trained using the Gene Ontology and the SwissProt data both released on 2016-01.
DeepPFP-CO webserver is developed on a stable and flexible framework, which is easy to extend. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!